Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The violence in your heart.

Some time ago, I used to be cool. Smart, popular, active, cute and naive. And then i fell in love. Si nu mi-a mai trecut. Si acum, three years later, descopar ca... azi te pot iubi, maine te pot uri. Si ieri voiam sa te bat doar asa de plictiseala. Asta daca ai onoarea, sau mai bine zis ghinionul, sa te observ, bineinteles. Ca vreau sa ma mai indragostesc si nu reusesc inca. Si ca imi e tare frica de momentul in care se va intampla. Ca nu stii la ce sa te astepti de la mine, ba sunt incredibly sad, ba increhehedibly angry, ba...nu simt nimic. Ca nu stiu ce as mai putea avea de oferit pe plan moral, sentimental. Ca i'm not relationship material. Maybe i never was. Intr-o relatie ori tre sa am extrehehem de multa libertate si de asta se va termina in maxim o luna pt ca nu te suport respirandu-mi aerul, ori acaparez TOT si vreau si mai mult de atat. I shouldn't do relationships... Ca nimic nu ma mai impresioneaza, putine lucruri imi plac si SI MAI putine ma bucura. Ca nimic nu mai e suficient de satisfacator. Ca sunt alta persoana. Una pe care nu o cunosc. Una care simte ca nu mai are cine stie ce de pierdut. Una care si-a dat seama uimita de curand ca vrea (inca mai vrea..?) lucruri total opuse fata de ce voia cea de acum trei ani. Una care nu mai vrea multe totusi. Una care vrea sa fie lasata in pace. Poate pentru ca e mai safe asa. Una care nu stie de capul ei. Una care nu stie nici ce simte. Una egoista, furioasa, plictisita si extrem extrem de fucked up. Un sac de piele in care sunt indesate resturi si bucati dintr-o persoana buna. Resturi mototlite twisted intoarse pe dos si cu multe spatii de vid intre ele.

So, I started wondering, is love really the most beautiful thing in this world?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Make you feel pure

"I want to exorcize the demons from your past...."

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hmm, maybe some things never change.

"This photo of us, it don't have a price, ready for those flashing lights?
Baby there's no other superstar, baby you'll be famous,
Chase you down until you love me"

"You healed these scars over time,
Embraced my soul, you loved my mind,
You're the only angel in my life"

"You touched these tired eyes of mine, and somehow growing old feels fine..."
"You wrap your thoughts in works of art and they're hanging on the walls of my heart..."
"And though my edges may be rough, I never feel I'm quite enough, it may not seem like very much... But I'm yours."

Friday, January 15, 2010

Mr. Mackey il chema, ma!

I know grandmas and grandpas always say that, and maybe all the people with this problem advice other people to not deal with it, but now i'm gonna be all cliche and not cool and stuff.

Kids, do NOT smoke!

..Not because it'll kill you, wtf, i don't really care about that, I mean, who does? Who is thinking these days "Oh my God i don't wanna die of cancer"? Yeah, we don't care. - Don't smoke because it's really expensive these days. SO expensive. It hurts your pocket, trust me :)) Also, they could make you feel sick, they could give you pains - headaches, lung pain dunno. They ruin your health as in you can't run fast, you can't work out much [how could you live without thaaaat?], you hate stairs, you can't hold your breath underwater [or not] for more than twenty seconds, you cough a lot and it's pretty not sexy at all.. They're also not that satisfying actually - they only hurt your throat - and everything's in your head. The "Oh my God, i can't deal with this problems without a cigarette"... Which proves my point. All they EVER give is dependence. And yellow teeth and yellow fingers. And smell of smoke in your clothes... And in your pretty used-to-be-perfumed hair....


So yeah. Don't smoke. Smoking is bad mmkay?

So. I should suck more candies or something instead.

Friday, January 1, 2010


"In your house I long to be,
Room by room, patiently..."